Vaccination requirements
ZILBRYSQ REMS and vaccination requirements
Before starting treatment with ZILBRYSQ, you must complete required meningococcal vaccinations.
ZILBRYSQ is only available through a restricted program called the ZILBRYSQ REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy).
Learn More About ZILBRYSQ REMS
Before you can receive ZILBRYSQ, your doctor must:
- Counsel you about the risk of meningococcal infection
- Give you a Patient Guide and Patient Safety Card which explains the symptoms and risk of meningococcal infection
- Make sure you have completed your meningococcal vaccinations at least 2 weeks prior to your first dose of ZILBRYSQ
- Provide a prescription for antibiotics if you have not completed or updated vaccinations for meningococcal infections at least 2 weeks before your first ZILBRYSQ dose and must start treatment right away
If you have had meningococcal vaccines in the past, your doctor may decide that you need to get revaccinated. Ask your doctor if you are not sure if you need to be revaccinated.

Keep your Patient Safety Card with you at all times
Your healthcare provider will give you a Patient Safety Card that explains the risk of meningococcal infection.
Carry your card with you at all times during treatment and for 2 months after your last ZILBRYSQ dose.
- Your risk of meningococcal infection may continue for several weeks after your last dose of ZILBRYSQ
- It is important to show the card to any healthcare provider or nurse who treats you. The information will help them diagnose and treat you quickly

PANTHERx Rare, the pharmacy for ZILBRYSQ, is available to help you with access to ZILBRYSQ REMS required vaccines
Vaccination status and tracking
- Once you receive your ZILBRYSQ prescription, PANTHERx Rare may contact your doctor for your vaccination history (if not provided already)
- If vaccination is required, PANTHERx Rare will track timing for vaccination and boosters to communicate scheduled doses with you and your doctor, as appropriate
Vaccination support
To support you, PANTHERx Rare will:
- Monitor all aspects of your treatment journey as it relates to accessing vaccinations required by the REMS requirements
- Help you access vaccinations by identifying local resources (retail/community pharmacies, or local health departments) within your geographic location that can administer required vaccinations
- Follow up with your doctor to document vaccinations received in your medical records as appropriate
Have more questions about ZILBRYSQ vaccination requirements? ONWARD™ can help.
ONWARD Personalized SupportONWARD is provided as a service of UCB and is intended to support the appropriate use of UCB medicines. ONWARD may be amended or canceled at any time without notice. Some program and eligibility restrictions may apply.